I set up The Jack And Ada Beattie Foundation in 2011, in honour and memory of my parents. It aims to adhere to their life-long held principles of fair play, care for the vulnerable and getting the job done. It will fight against inequality in all its forms, and it proudly displays the Beattie family trait of defiance in the face of adversity.
We don’t aim to eradicate global poverty, or tackle climate change by next Wednesday. We fight much smaller, but equally important battles. Backing achievable ambitions and assisting the vulnerable of the Midlands and London. We fight people’s corners, via grants to individuals and organisations whose aspirations match the spirit of Jack and Ada. We like to think of what we do as Guerilla Caring.
Our themes are DIGNITY, FREEDOM and SANCTUARY. The Foundation accepts applications from charitable organisations and individuals under these headings. We’d like our support to be as emotional as it is financial. Hence our mission statement: